Primary Pod

The Primary Pod offers an enriching MI curriculum for our first and second graders ranging from ages six through eight years old through a true hands-on learning experience. Our standards-aligned science, math, art, culture, English Language Arts, community, and history curriculum is supplemented by the Montessori instructional framework of Task Work. This personalized learning approach allows our teachers to support and facilitate the student's academic and social development by focusing on areas of strength and developing ability.

Students in the Primary Pod act as engineers by designing a learning plan based on their curiosity and individual interests. With the teacher’s reinforcement, students map out their learning goals, creating timelines and expectations that scaffold the cognitive and interpersonal needs in the primary years.

In the Primary Pod, students become acquainted with their own learning styles and techniques, this awareness allows them to become cognizant of what type of learning environment they need to succeed, laying the foundation for executive function. Students monitor their progression through learning portfolios that they reflect on weekly.

The Primary Pod promotes, encourages, and emphasizes research in which students utilize books, magazines, websites, and interviews to develop projects that reflect their individuality and creativity through a culminating presentation to their peers and teachers.

The overall experience in the Primary Pod allows students to engage in a variety of learning opportunities while being guided by highly qualified and dedicated teachers in discovering their burgeoning abilities, interests, and potentials.