Medical Office

Welcome to the Medical Office

Goals of the School Health Services Program

The School Nurse is responsible for all information regarding your child’s health, including State-mandated health screenings, immunization updates, medication policies and health updates.

The Howard Gardner health and medical forms are available for you to download.  It is my privilege to serve you and your children!

For any and all Covid-19 related inquiries or questions, please proceed to the COVID-19 Updates and Resources page

It is the policy of the Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Charter School that both prescription and non-prescription medication be given before or after school hours whenever possible. If it is necessary that medication be given during school hours, the following procedure must be adhered to.

1. The medical office must be contacted either by phone or a visit to the school to discuss the child's medication.
2. A consent form for medication administration must be completed by the parent or guardian and child's physician then returned to the medical office.
3. The above consents must be received prior to the medical office being able to administer any medications.
4. Any medication MUST be delivered to the school by an adult. The medication must be in the original pharmacy container. A maximum of a 30-day supply of medication may be kept in the medical office at any one time for non-controlled substances. A maximum of a 14-day supply of medication may be kept in the medical office at any one time for controlled substances, for example certain ADHD medications. When a medication that is classified as a controlled substance is brought in, the medication must be counted by the medical office; principal; or his/her designee and the child's parent/guardian or parent designee prior to the parent/guardian or designee leaving the school building.
5. Non-prescription medications (over the counter medications) also require a parent or guardian consent form along with an authorization form from the child's physician. Non­prescription medications must be brought to school in the original container and labeled with the child's name and dose.
6. All medication must be stored in the medical office. Exceptions to this will be made for asthma inhalers and Epinephrine auto injectors (see below).
7. Any changes in type or dosage of medication must be reported, in written form, to the medical office immediately.
8. Medication requests must be renewed yearly. This includes both the parent/guardian form and the physician form.
9. All medications must be picked up by an adult at the end of the school year.
10. Non-compliance with this medical policy will result in non-administration of medication.

In the event that the medical office is unavailable to administer the medication, the student, with approval of the parent will self-administer the medication under the observation of an unlicensed assistive personnel. If the parent does not approve of self-administration by the student, the parent or the parent's designee will need to administer the medication at school.