Student Support Services

Through our Student Support Team, we provide prevention, intervention, acceleration, enrichment, transition, counseling, social work, special education, and nursing services for all our students. Student support services professionals provide direct and indirect services for all students who are experiencing obstacles that create barriers to learning. Our support for students is provided by means such as special education, counseling, social skills groups, health screenings, consultation, and individual assessment. In addition, student support services personnel provide family training and education, community collaboration, and other supportive services by partnering with our local social service agencies and the Northeast Intermediate Unit 19.

Meet Our Team

Maria Guido – Learning Support Teacher –
Jennifer McIntyre – Learning Support Teacher –
Hazel Hess – Learning Support Teacher –
Jade Flynn–Volchoff, MEd. – School Counselor –
Shana Carmody, LSW – Licensed Social Worker –
Colleen Coolbaugh, MS, Ed. S – Psychologist –
Amy Ryan, CSN – Certified School Nurse –
Kathryn Racavich – Part-Time School Nurse –
Cathy Opshinsky – Director of Student Services –
Dr. Debra Georgetti – School Physician

Please see Student Support Services tabs below for more information.

What is Special Education?

Special education is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique needs of a student eligible to receive special education services, under one or more of the 13 disability categories, through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that mandates special education as a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access her/his educational program.  Providing FAPE for a student with a disability begins with the consideration of services to be provided in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).  Under the LRE mandate, students shall participate in the general education classroom/curriculum to the maximum extent appropriate, which may be adapted or modified based on individual needs.

IDEA provides parents with specific rights and protections, called procedural safeguards (hyperlink to document), which means that parents are always afforded the right to make decisions regarding the education of their children.

How does my child qualify for Special Education Services?

Two criteria must be met for a student to be eligible for Special Education Services.

  • The student must meet one of the 13 disability categories defined by the IDEA.
  • The student must need special education; that is, the child requires specially designed instruction to receive educational benefit.

What are the 13 disability categories defined by the IDEA?

  • Intellectual Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Visual Impairment (including blindness)
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Autism
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Deafness
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Multiple Disabilities

What do I do if I suspect that my child is Struggling?

  • Reach out to his / her teacher or principal to discuss concerns.
  • The child may be referred to Child Study. During Child Study, meetings are held over 12 weeks to identify areas of weakness and implement interventions to support the student in those areas of weakness.
  • During the 12 week period, data is collected to determine if the interventions are working, or if the interventions need to be changed.
  • If, after the 12 week period, the student is still struggling, the student may be referred for a evaluation to determine if he/she qualifies for special education services.
  • At this time, a Permission to Evaluate (PTE) will be issued. Once it is returned to the school, signed by the parent/guardian, the evaluation will begin.
  • Once the evaluation is completed, the outcome will be explained to the parents and a determination will be made regarding eligibility for Special Education Services.
  • If the child qualifies for Special Education Services, an Individualized Education Plan will be developed.

What are some resources available to Families?  

Special Education Overview

Special Education Timelines

Parent Guide to Special education

Special Education Evaluation Process

Procedural Safeguards

PA Department of Education

PA Training and Technical Assistance Network

The Arc of Pennsylvania

Local Task Force

PA Secondary Transition Guide

2024-2025 Annual Notification for Special Education Services